Friday 9 September 2011

Class surevey conclusions

With all of the results of our survey i can come to the conclusion that a majority of films that where watched by my clas are films that have been produced in america, The statistics were around 5 american films watched to every 1 british films. There are many reasons for this are that films made in america are given the best facilities as the 6 main film production companys are based in america (hollywood), because of this the films will also get a bigger budget therefore they can produce a much better film. With a bigger budget the company can also spend more money on advertising, there are different ways of marketing films, films can be advertised on the television, posters, the radio and as trailors before other films in the cinema. I think that the best way to advertise a film those is on television adverts as it will be shown on national and sometime international television channels this will show the largest audience possible the new film that is being produced.
We also looked at the different ways people like to watch films, and there were various ways, the majority of people enjoyed watching films at the cinema. Watching a film in the cinema does have its pro's it is the best quality piture that you can watch and it is also usually quiet but sometimes it can be noisy if there are people messing around or eating loudly. People also like to download films onto there computer this can be dangerous though as it is sometimes illegal and could get you in trouble, it could also be in terible quality and you could miss parts of the film but it is quick to access and cheaper than buying a dvd.  

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