Monday 31 October 2011

Memento-Narrative theory and Character roles

The narrative of Memento does not follow any traditional Hollywood narrative pattern. The film follows the story of Leanord, a man who has lost his short term memory and is confused as to how his wife dies but believes that the man to blame is a man by the name John G. The film is different to traditional narratives as it follows no chronological order.
The narrative pattern consists of the same story line split into 2 halfs and played alongside each other until they eventually meet, the way we are shown this to happen is through the use of colour, the images in black and white are of the story line in the present and the film in colour shows the film going in reverse, showing flashbacks of his past. this is to give us the perspective of his life, and not being able to figure out what happened.
Aswell as there being no real trraditional narrative the character roles are also very unusual and it is very hard to distinguish throughout whether or not anyone is the villain and if anyone is the hero, the only character role we can be sure on is that there are definately false heros throughout. Leanord is the main character has lost his long term memory. Teddy is shown frequently throughout the film and appears to be one of heroes, he is constantly helpful to leanord and although he can seem quite a suspicious character at times he never is actually hurtful towards him. We then get introduced to natalie, she goes from role to role, at first she seems like the donor she constantly gives lennie clues and information to write down, she then continues to be nice to him and turns into the hero but gradually takes advantage of him and becomes the false hero. Leanord is told about a man called sammy jenkis he is told that sammy jenkis was a con man and that lennie confuses parts of his life with the life of sammy jenkis. Sammy had no wife and lenaords wife survived the attack that led to him losing his memory and thinking his wife had died. It is actually lennies wife that was diabetic and it was her that was killed by an insulin overdose from leanord. We could say that Sammy Jenkis is the doner in the stroy because he gives leanord a reason for trying to find the 'John G' character, although he may be getting confused this is the only motive he had.

Friday 28 October 2011

20 Questions on working title

1.     Who were the co-founders of Working Title?
Working Title Films was co-founded by producers Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe.
2.     When was the company founded?
The company was founded in 1983.
3.     Where is Working Title based?
The Working Title in based in London, and is a British Film Production Company.
4.     Who are the co-chairpersons of WT now?
The co-chairpersons of 'Working Title' are, Tim Beven and Eric Fellner.
5.     What awards have Working Title won?
Working Title have won6 accademy awards, 26 BAFTA'S, 4 Oscars and many more.
6.     How many full time staff does WT employ?
There are only 42 full time staff working for Working Title.
7.     What is Working Title’s philosophy?
Their philosophy has been to make films for an audience and played in a multiplex.
8.     List 5 box-office hits that Working Title have made.
Johnny English Reborn.
Hot Fuzz.
Green Zone.
Shaun of the Dead.
9.     List flops that Working Title has made.
'Wimbledon' and 'Thunderbirds'.
10.  What is Richard Curtis’ relationship with Working Title?
They have him and Rowan Atkinson as their favourites for their comedies.
11.  List 2 famous directors thar Working Title have worked.
Edgar Howard Wright. (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the dead, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy)
Oliver Parker. (Johnny English, St. Trinians, St. Trinians ll).
12.  What is Hugh Grant's relationship with Working Title?
Hugh Grant has worked with WT many times, He appears mainly in 'RomComs' that WT are involved with.

13.  Find out about the Coen Brothers (films, genres, status) and what they have to do with Working Title?
The Coen Brothers are two brothers, Joel and Ethan, They have directed and produced True Grit, O Bother where art though?, The Ladykillers. They have achieved academy award winning status for their mainly classic American style genre.
14.  Who owns 67% of Working Title Films? When did this happen? Why did this happen?
Many of Working Title films are now distributed by Universal Studios. Universal also owns this 67%
15.  List two of Working Title big blockbuster films and find out their budgets.
Atonement had a budget of £30 million and made about £130 million at the box office.
Johnny English had a budget of £40 million, and made about £160 million at the box office.

16.  What genre of film is Working Title famous for?
WT produce films from all genres but are most well known for comedy and romantic comedy.

17. What other genres do working title like to make?
WT make films from all different genres ranging from rating 'U' - 18

18. Find out as much as you can about WT2? (when established, films made, budgets, awards)
WT2 is a smaller branch of WT dedicated to making smaller films and helping independent ideas. It was established in 1999 and has made films such as Billy Elliot which only had a budget of only £3million but made just over £72million.

19. What information can you find out about Working Title through their web page?
They have recently released the Johnny English sequel, and SENNA.

20. Find out one other interesting fact about Working Title that you would like to share with the class.
After 1992 they made several films for production company Polygram, Polygram soon became a huge competitor against the U.S.A giants Hollywood.

Monday 24 October 2011

How does Calvin Klein represent women in its advertising?

How does Calvin Klein represent women in its advertising?
Calvin Klein is an underwear company, which makes it difficult to advertise without the adverts being controversial, to advertise under garments it requires for the models male or female, to be standing nude apart from the items they are advertising. But especially in the women’s adverts it can be difficult to distinguish between was is a clever and unique advert and what is a crude and sexual objectification.
Eva Mendez is a very attractive women, this is why she has been used to advertise the underwear. Like many adverts it has many connotations and with it being such a suggestive advert it will make you think in a more sexual way causing you to be drawn more to the image. I do not think Calvin Klein are representing women as sexually empowering but as ways to draw attention to something through a professional means. I think Calvin Klein have tried to make the advert as tasteful as possible but could not escape the theory ‘sex sells’. I f you start by looking at her face, she has quite an invitational and sexual face, yet her face has nothing to do with the advertising of the underwear. The next thing you can see from the advert is quite different to what we have seen from her so far, unlike what could be stereo typed for a women posing nude that could be quite frail and shy, she stands in a very powerful position. The positioning of her body and the camera angle make her looks in control of what is happening and this may appeal to the target audience. She is wearing heels, this may be looked upon as quite strange because she is wearing nothing other than underwear yet she wears heels, this is to elongate her legs and is only to make her look better.
She is made to look her best for a number of reasons, the advert is designed to appeal to both men and women, women will view it and think that because the model is wearing that particular underwear and looks good in it that it will instantly look good on them if they wear it and they will look similar to the model. Men may view the advert and think that if they bought that underwear for their partners then they would wear it and seem to look as good as Eva Mendez.
I think that Eva Mendez is made to look overtly sexual in the advert but purely for the purpose of the advert, Calvin Klein have not used her for the sake of using a half-naked woman but used as a psychological enhancement for people to buy the product. Every aspect of how she has been carefully positioned and dressed is clever even there position of her stance with her arms on her wait cause all limbs to be directing the viewer’s eyes to the underwear, Therefore I do not think that women are objectified as sexually empowered or objectified but they are simply used to create an advert in the best way possible using their best features and the same thing could happen to a male.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Categorising Facial Expressions.

Media Facial Expressions.

Saturday 1 October 2011

How are macs and p.c’s represented in the advertisement.

In the advert Levi Straus’s Binary opposites are used a lot, P.C is shown as a boring, middle ages looking man as opposed to mac which is shown as a young and fresh looking man, these two men are metaphors of the computers they are advertising. Connotations of the p.c having glasses combed over hair and looking a bit older than the mac makes p.c seem week and lack the newer and better looking qualities of the mac.
The symbolic code is showing the mac is better as it’s the positive of the two binary opposites. When we are shown the woman and the man in drag, it is a semantic code because although the man in drag is dressed identical to the woman he is nowhere near as similar underneath meaning that the computers may look similar on the outside but the mac is internally better. There is an enigma code after we have seen what macs ‘home movie’ looks like we are unsure when or what we will see when we see p.cs ‘home movie’. The cultural code makes the popular opinion obvious that wearing glasses and what looks like a tacky suit shows he is quite geeky and people would not be interested in this stereotype.